The Centennial BOCES Administrator Induction Program brings administrators new and innovative experiences and information in a flexible environment designed to meet the needs of new administrators regardless of their district role.
Please contact [email protected] for registration form
The Administrator Induction Program content is based on the Colorado Principal Quality Standards and Elements.
Each inductee must complete the following requirements:
Attend all scheduled meetings (total of 3)
Complete a self-reflection on the Colorado Principal Quality Standards and Elements using six professional development opportunities outside your district that help you complete your professional development plan
Complete a self-reflection on the Colorado Principal Quality Standards and Elements using one additional component of your choosing.
Create a professional development plan using the results of the self-reflections
Engage in and develop skills around reflective practice in order to develop as an instructional leader
Demonstrate attainment of the benchmarks established in the Colorado Principal Quality Standards and Elements through artifacts
Complete a mentor log (minimum of 30 hours) showing that you worked closely with mentors through weekly contact and participated in at least two peer observations conducted by a mentor
Receive satisfactory performance evaluations from your mentor, supervisor, and induction coordinator
Program Costs
Member Districts: $1600 – APLP Candidates Discount: $1000
Non-Member Districts: $1900 – APLP Candidates Discount: $1300
Centennial BOCES Employee: $500
Successful completion of all induction components will result in a recommendation for the participant to receive a PROFESSIONAL license.
For more information, please contact Patti Greenlee, Program Manager, at 970-352-7404 x 2509 or via email at [email protected]