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SEPTEMBER 20, 2019
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Social Media and Internet Safety (description Pending)
Seguridad en el Internet y en los Medios Sociales (description pending)
TV 440-Adirondacks
-Jorge Duque
Metropolitan State University Tour
Meet outside of Turnhalle
Enjoy the beautiful views of this legendary institution and learn more about what this campus has to offer.
How to Get Ready for College While in High School
Plaza Building 238
Come to this session to learn how to save money and even earn a college degree by the time you graduate high school. It does not matter where you were born, there are lots of great Colorado programs to help you earn a college degree. Be ready for what’s out there!
Como prepararte para el colegio durante la secundaria/preparatoria
Ven a esta presentación para aprender como ahorrar dinero y hasta obtener un titulo de colegio comunitario cuando te gradúes de la preparatoria. No importa en donde naciste, hay muchos programas en Colorado que te pueden apoyar. Prepárate para lo que puedes obtener.
TV 250-Turnehalle
You are either writing your story or reading it. If you’re reading it, then it means your story is being written for you. The view you adopt for yourself can profoundly affect the way you lead your life; but with the right mindset and the desire to lead your life, you will change not only your world but of those around you as well, leaving behind a legacy worth acknowledging and a notable story everyone would want to read.
Start writing your story by stepping into your future with this workshop which will enable you to identify your mindset, encourage you to embrace your setbacks, and cultivate the leader within you.
College Assistance Migrant Program ( ONE IN SPANISH)
Plaza Building 242
This interactive session will highlight the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP), which is a unique federally funded educational support and scholarship program that helps students from migrant and seasonal farm working backgrounds succeed in college. CAMP recipients qualify for academic and financial assistance during their first year of college and ongoing support until their graduation. Participants will reflect and identify educational goals and assess their knowledge through a fun and engaging activity.
Self-Actualizing Self Care with Margaret Brugger, LCSW
TV444-LoRaine Good
In order to sustain ourselves in the important work we do, we must find ways to take care of ourselves to prevent and heal vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue. In this workshop, we discuss integrating self-care into daily practice with in-the-moment skills that help us stay present and grounded. Looking at neurobiology and our bodies reactions helps us understand our reactions to stress, and why and how we can strengthen ourselves by training our brain. At the end of the workshop, participants will walk away with concrete self-soothing skills, a deepened understanding of themselves and their body, and a renewed commitment to self-care.
Get Moving with Team-building Activities-Rec Center.
TV 442-John Good
Session 1 - 9:40-10:30
RIZE II LEAD - TV 250 Turnehalle
Sef-Actualizing Sef Care - Room TV 444 LoRaine Good
Social Media and Internet Safety - Room TV 440-Adirondacks
Session 2 - 10:40-11:30
RIZE II LEAD - Turnehalle TV 250
Self-Actualizing Self Care - Room TV 444 LoRaine Good
Session 3 -- 11:40-12:30
(IN SPANISH) Self-Actualizing Self Care - Room TV444 LoRaine Good
College Assistance Migrant Program - Plaza Building 242
Social Media and Internet Safety - Room TV 440-Adirondacks
Metropolitan State University Tour Meet outside of Turnhalle
Get Moving with Team-building Activities with Rec. Center Staff. - RoomTV 442-John Good